Play as a pedagogical strategy to improve coexistence and interaction in
elementary school children
El juego como estrategia pedagógica para mejorar la convivencia e interacción en niños
y niñas de básica primaria
Orfa Pascuala Montaño Solís
Dominga Yolaima Landázuri
Fanor Castro Vásquez
This research project is written with reference
to the ideas about the process of integration
and inclusion of children with poor coexistence
and classroom interaction. It points out how
society should get involved to make integration
a reality, and how these experiences should
make it possible for students with this type of
learning problem to be included in regular
Keywords: Integration, Exclusion, School
Este proyecto de investigación se escribe con
referencia a las ideas acerca del proceso de
integración e inclusión de niños y niñas con
poca convivencia e interacción aula. Se señala
cómo la sociedad debe involucrarse para hacer
de la integración una realidad, y cómo estas
experiencias deben posibilitar el que haya
estudiantes con este tipo de problemática de
aprendizaje incluidos en clases regulares.
Received: May 09, 2023
Approved: May 30, 2023
1 Msc. Corporacion Universitaria Iberoamericana,
Bogota Colombia,,
2 Msc. Corporacion Universitaria
Iberoamericana, Bogota Colombia,,
3 Msc. Corporacion Universitaria
Iberoamericana, Bogota Colombia,,
Play as a pedagogical strategy to improve coexistence and interaction in elementary school children.
Vol 3 - No 2 July - December e-ISSN 2745-1194 Pages 63-79
Palabras clave: Integration, Exclusion,
School coexistence.
Much has been heard about responding to the educational needs of students who have
been transferred from fixed support services or from special education schools to
regular schools and, often, reference has been made to the concepts of integration,
participation and curricular adaptation; in short, a whole host of terms that may or
may not give meaning to the processes taking place in this area, both in the country
and in the global framework.
The purpose of this article is to show the different reasons for which students are self-
conscious in the participation of different pedagogical activities, leading most of them
to drop out of school due to their grotesque behavior and creating a different problem
in society. It should be noted that when we talk about school coexistence we refer to a
number of possibilities and qualities within or outside a given educational group
regardless of the context where it develops, in other words, to exclude an individual
from certain joys and enjoyments for their learning condition, is to limit and expose it
to a world of uncertainty.
Cruz (2021)The Colombian education system is highlighted by the arrival of other
pedagogical models from Latin American countries:
The purpose of education is to discover the typologies that coincide with the
educational ones of the region, in addition to contextualize the relevant aspects of the
Colombian education system, however, there are still several ethno-pedagogical flaws
that somehow hinder the teaching-learning process of the students. However, these
inequitable policies are also products of pedagogical decentralization in which
resources are allocated differently to educational contexts, thus, the great complexity
of social, economic and political difficulties that educational institutions have, is how
to effectively manage resources to meet all the needs of the educational population. (p.
Coexistence is one of the most important aspects of human relations, because through
this concept the elements that make up society are extended and linked. It is evident
that some of these elements are positive. However, the existence of negative elements
significantly fractures the version that each person has about the good coexistence that
should exist between human beings.
Play as a pedagogical strategy to improve coexistence and interaction in elementary school children.
Vol 3 - No 2 July - December e-ISSN 2745-1194 Pages 63-79
Loaiza & Pino (2021)They highlight that:
The patterns associated with physical and psychological abuse directly emphasize the
female gender. In studies conducted in academic institutions it is stated that women
present patterns of gender violence inside and outside the educational context as the
weaker sex as highlighted in some members of the educational community, young
people and sometimes even in older adults, the emotional well-being is being affected
gradually and is being reflected in different ways, sometimes in the least expected way
by the teaching staff School desertion. (p. 12)
This article seeks to propose a strategic alternative for teacher training in the
educational institution Agroecológica la playa in the municipality of Francisco Pizarro-
Salahonda of academic training, which allows a transition from the way of interacting
that is traditionally done in this type of institution to a playful type that involves the
educational community in the teaching-learning process with different behaviors and
develops an active participation of the same, The objective is to know the elements that
guide the process in such a way that it does not generate fear or ignorance in order to
make this exercise a strategy to improve the dynamics of teachers, including those who
do not have a pedagogical background but come to the teaching job with their
disciplinary strength.
The formative research process starts with a discussion on the term "coexistence
problems" to later carry out an analysis which seeks to understand and promote school
coexistence and the development of potentialities through play in students with
diverse educational capacities, to recognize that play constitutes a fundamental
strategy to strengthen the basic learning processes of children in general, and in
particular of the children of elementary school of the above mentioned school, since
they are in the process of construction of disciplines and behavior that relate
knowledge, learning and intelligence of the child.
Thus, it is worth noting Correa & Tavera (2021)who in their mention highlight "The
close link between poverty, geographic isolation and density, are phenomena that
somehow affect the intellect of the child within and outside the family and educational
context, in such a way that affects the teaching-learning process". In this way it can be
mentioned that one of the main causes of a peaceful school coexistence is the economic
source and the agricultural production already a stability is obtained to cover the needs
of the boys and girls of the rural areas of the municipalities of Colombia. it is of
essential to require a pedagogical analysis of these inadequate behaviors in the
educandos, for which this article was focused in determining the critical behaviors that