Systematic review with a hermeneutic approach of the terms for the
transmission of research results, academic management, school
management, educational quality, efficiency and effectiveness, for
institutional improvement at the Talita "Cumi" School, period 2023
Revisión sistemática con enfoque hermenéutico de los terminantes para la transmisión
de resultados de la investigación, gestión académica, gestión escolar, calidad educativa,
eficiencia y eficacia, para el mejoramiento institucional en el Colegio Talita “Cumi”,
periodo 2023
Alba Milena Ramos Almanza
Angie Tatiana Vásquez Vidal
The development of the research project allows
the writing of this literature review article in
which the determinants of the academic
management for the assurance of the quality of
education in the Talita "Cumi" School,
Medellin-Antioquia are exposed. The general
framework of the research is presented from
which the research scenario, previous related
research, justification and description of the
problem will be known. The main objective of
the research is stated; to establish a model of
effective academic management for the
assurance of the quality of education. From a
pedagogical and research work created strictly
for the approach of the detected problem, in
the frame of references of the research, the
theoretical and conceptual foundations of each
of the categories of the conceptual framework
will be found, especially those that are
proposed to be analyzed as components of the
Received: January 09, 2023
Approved: May 10, 2023
1. Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios -
UNIMINUTO ,Normalista Superior, Bachelor of
Arts and cultura,alba.ramos-,
2 Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios -
UNIMINUTO, Licenciada en Pedagógica
Systematic review with a hermeneutic approach of the terms for the transmission of research results, academic management,
school management, educational quality, efficiency and effectiveness, for institutional improvement at the Talita "Cumi"
School, period 2023
Vol 3 - No 2 July - December e-ISSN 2745-1194 Pages 120-139
academic management for the assurance of the
educational quality. From the laws, decrees
and guiding guidelines, the regulations that
govern the legal and juridical nature of the
research work will be supported.
Keywords: Management, efficiency,
effectiveness, educational quality, academics
El desarrollo del proyecto de investigación
permite la redacción del presente artículo de
revisión literaria en el cual se exponen los
determinantes de la gestión académica para el
aseguramiento de la calidad de educación en el
Colegio Talita “Cumi”, Medellín–Antioquia. Se
presenta el marco general de la investigación
desde el cual se conocerá el escenario de la
misma, investigaciones previas relacionadas,
justificación y descripción del problema. Se
enuncia el objetivo principal de la
investigación; establecer un modelo de gestión
académica efectiva para el aseguramiento de la
calidad de la educación. A partir de un trabajo
pedagógico e investigativo creado
estrictamente para el abordaje de la
problemática detectada, en el marco de
referencias de la investigación, se encontrarán
los fundamentos teóricos y conceptuales de
cada una de las categorías del marco
conceptual, especialmente aquellas que se
proponen analizar como componentes de la
gestión académica para el aseguramiento de la
calidad educativa. Desde las leyes, decretos y
lineamientos rectores se sustentará la
normatividad que rige el carácter jurídico y
legal del trabajo de investigación.
Systematic review with a hermeneutic approach of the terms for the transmission of research results, academic management,
school management, educational quality, efficiency and effectiveness, for institutional improvement at the Talita "Cumi"
School, period 2023
Vol 3 - No 2 July - December e-ISSN 2745-1194 Pages 120-139
Palabras clave: Gestión, eficiencia, eficacia,
calidad educativa, académica
The educational context of Colegio "Talita Cumi" in the city of Medellín-Antioquia,
Colombia and its educational needs, requests the optimization of institutional
processes from an educational project that seeks to innovate in new pedagogical
techniques that facilitate in a comprehensive manner, provide information and
generate meaningful learning that contribute to the construction of good development
in academic management for the improvement of educational quality. For Gutiérrez
(2023), the actions and actions towards a quality and sustainable education represent
the junction of the cultural and social transition of the XXI century. An important
objective in education should be to prepare students with sufficient competencies and
skills, from all its management processes.
Belonging to the Minuto de Dios Corporation, the "Talita Cumi" school provides
educational attention to the adult population or young people in extra-age, with a total
of 290 students. It seeks to provide training opportunities and promote inclusive
education which, as Naranjo and Carrasco point out in their publication in the
Education Forum 2023, on the importance of inclusion in different contexts within the
framework of education. Education becomes an essential way to face the challenges of
the 21st century; it is also a scenario from which inequalities, destabilizing
technological innovations, climate change, conflicts, forced displacements,
intolerance, etc., can be addressed (2022). In this sense, promoting alternative models
to contribute to the improvement of educational processes is an opportunity not only
for personal progress but also for social contribution.
Therefore, from the educational model offered by "Talita Cumi" school and the
urgency of contributing to the quality assurance of the service provided, the
Institutional Educational Project seeks to have the pertinent parameters for the
attention of all the formative components based on the meaning of education for adult
life. The quality of education is a duty that must be addressed from the perspective of
globalizing discourses and social realities, Mesa (2022) mentions regarding the
valuation and importance of the concept of educational quality, its theoretical and
epistemological foundations.
Impacting life from the strategies of permanence and academic improvement that
favors the overcoming of inequality of opportunities for the population served, would