Revista investigación, desarrollo educación, servicio, trabajo
Vol 2 – No 2 July - December 2022 e-ISSN 2745-1194 Pag 1-23
que trae consigo su implementación y
adecuado uso.
Palabras clave: TIC TecnologÃa de la
información y la comunicación, Sistemas de
gestión, Sistemas de información.
In the world of telecommunications and advanced technologies, changes must be
generated by companies in terms of thinking and innovation by companies, but also
in the management systems that help guide the reins of the organization. The present
investigation brings a case of a Colombian industry, which outsources different
businesses focused on providing services to more than seventy clients, and which is
certified in different management systems; however, it lacks an efficient and effective
information backup mechanism that allows the organization to be controlled 100%
reliably and in real time. Performing the validation within its employees, reliable
metrics are generated, while initial solutions are proposed to solve existing problems.
Materials and methods
The research method of this writing is based on the fundamentals of generating
questions and answers according to the experiences lived with the Management
Systems, and the needs experienced in terms of the absence of having Information
Systems that generate the adequate affirmation of the tasks required for the dynamism
of the interrelated processes. The foregoing carries with it the elements of maieutic,
which allows formulating endless questions until obtaining the hidden "truth".
The methodology used for this research is Quantitative Non-Probabilistic; The
population that will be analyzed in the present investigation, are the collaborators of a
company that outsources tangible and intangible BPO services, called Synerjoy1, with
different transversal positions within that intervene directly in the Integrated
Management Systems in which it is certified. To understand better the population
sample that was taken to obtain the results presented in this research, each position,
and the role it plays within the Management System is broken down: